Thursday, December 4, 2008

Amazing Moments

I am not sure how to start this blog today but I want to say how thankful I am for the people around me. I have been going through some tough times the last few months. I have tried so hard to keep it all together.
But the Holidays roll around and the weight of everything just came crashing down.
Funny thing is I have had some really good people around me to keep me up lifted.
For instance last night I was leaving my house and their was a Woman and a young woman walking down my drive way. The Lady waves me down and asks me if I am Kim. I say yes. She says that they had heard that I was going thru a tough time and they were thinking about me and they just want to let me know that people were thinking about me and they wanted me to know.
So she handed me a book called "The Race" and a dozen pink roses. I was so surprised! I didn't know what to say. I really didn't even know these people but they were thinking of me. How amazing that was to me. I felt like a million bucks!!!
So when I returned home, I sat down and read the book. What a great inspriational story about not giving up on life.
I am totally blessed to be where I am and to have the people that are around me.
I am not sure what I have done to deserve this but I am really blessed!!!
Times are tough and there are many people out there who are struggling. Some maybe minor like mine but others are major.
I think we should all take it upon ourselves to think of someone who might need a little pick me up and give that to them. It would make a big difference in someones life.
I know it did in mine!!!
Thank you to the Parkins for your kindness and friendship!!!!!


CMalone said...

I'm so sorry to hear you're having tough times. I listened again to Elder Wirthlin's final speech in General Conference. The one where he tells about his mother giving him a advice after losing a football game. "Come what may, and love it!" It's great advice unless you're going through trials and tribulations at the time. You are very blessed to have good people around you.

I hope you'll remember that you're loved on this end. I don't say it often enough. But I love my family. It's good to share your thoughts in a blog setting. May the Lord bless you in your trials.
Carol Anne

Hill said...
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